The Onboard Magazine of the TCS Tiger's Claw (tm)
Vol.1 No.4 |
Issue #4/2654 (Hard Copy Edition) |
In this issue...
Now Hear This ....................................................................... | 2 |
Words From the Editor
Comm Relay .......................................................................... | 3 |
News Briefs
Taggart's Tactics ................................................................... | 4 |
Even Natural Fliers Need to Remember Basic Tactics
Friend or Foe ........................................................................ | 11 |
Updates to Joan's Fighting Spacecraft
Weapons ............................................................................... | 28 |
Weapons of the Terran and Kilrathi Fleets
Pilot Profiles ....................................................................... | 29 |
Confederation Pilots
Kilrathi Pilots
On the Flight Deck ............................................................... | 37 |
Medal Identification for New Recruits
Playing Wing Commander .................................................... | 38 |
Introdution, Stategy and Tactics
Publisher: Col. Christopher Robers
Editor-in-Chief: Maj. Warren Spector
Senior Editor: Cpt. Arron Allston
Contributing Editors: Cpt. Jeff George, Lt. Steve Cantrell, Lt. Ken Demarest III
Contributing Artist: Lt.Glen Johnson
Production Staff: Cpt. Mike Harrison
Claw Marks is the onboard magazine of the TCS Tiger's Claw. It is produced monthly (Terran calendar in hard copy and e-file editions. E-file editions are free to all crewmen aboard Tiger's Claw; hard copy subscriptions available by special arrangement.
The e-file edition of this issue is available from ship's library as >>Periodicals>>Armed Forces>>Claw Marks>>4/2654.
All contents of this Wing Commander tm, Special Edition of Claw Marks #4/2654 are copyright (c) 1990 by ORIGIN. Wing Commander tm, Tiger's Claw tm, and Claw Marks tm are trademarks of Origin Systems, Inc