Autopiloting System: When you activate Navigation Mode, crossharis appear on your radar display and in your heads-up display. The crosshairs on the radar screen represent the location of the current selected Nav point relative to your starfighter. To reach your selected destination, maneuver your ship intil these crosshairs are centered in their respective displays. You can fly to the destination manually, by keeping the crosshairs centered, but this may take a while.
 You can shorten the trip by activating the autopilot if there are no hazards (enemy ships, asteroids, or mines) in the area. When this is the case, the autopilot light (marked "auto") goes on. Select autopilot, and your ship, wingman, and any escorted ships form up and proceed to the destination automatically. If you encounter any enemy vessels or hazards (asteroids, etc.) on the way, you leave the autopilot mode before you encounter the hazards.

Autopilot automatically disengages a few thousand meters from your destination.
| Communications System: When you activate the Communication Screen, you are presented with a screen showing a menu of potential recipients for your message.
 Select a receiver, and another menu appears listing the messages you can send. If thre is only one pilot who could receive your communication, no menu is presented and the message goes to the sole eligible recipient.
 When other pilots decide to send a message to you, a box appears around their ship in your viewscreen
 Wingmen sometimes disobey, but you can give them the following orders:
- Break and Attack - A command to leave formation and engage enemy ships within 12,000 meters.
- Keep Formation - Denies a wingman's request to break and attack on his own initiative.
Pride of the Fleet The TCS Tiger's Claw
2642: The Confederation military command, determining that a need exists for a heavy space carrier, authorizes design of the Bengal-class carrier line. Trojan Four Spaceyards wins the assignment to build the new line of carriers.
2644: The newly-launched TCS Tiger's Claw, on its shakedown cruise, carrying a minimal spacecrew and an under-experienced command, finds itself in the path of a surprise Kilrathi invasion force. The ship's unexpected presence along the Kilrathi flight plan, clever tactics on the part of the command crew, and performance above and beyond the call of duty by the spacecrews rout the superior Kilrathi force. Shortly thereafter, Tiger's Claw is given permanent assignment in Vega Sector.
2645: The second Bengal-class space carrier, the Kipling, is launched. Owing to design modifications, the Kipling and all subsequent Bengals are 10 meters shorter and several tonnes less massive than the Tiger's Claw, making the Tiger's Claw the biggest space carrier in its class.
2649: Tiger's Claw performs a delaying action to allow Confederation transports carrying ground troops to retreat out of Kilrathi-occupied space. The engagement, known as Custer's Carnival, concludes with Tiger's Claw seriously damaged but able to return to port. The carrier is in spacedock undergoing repairs and refitting until early '50.